Book Review – A Thirty-Something Girl by Lisa M. Gott

A Thirty-Something Girl - Lisa M. Gott

My Review


First of all, let me say this. The absolute accuracy with which the author Lisa M. Gott portrayed depression in this book was spot on. Whether or not the situation is of your own making, or not, the emotions for the most part remain the same. After 30 year old Hope finds her life in a shambles, after a pregnancy loss, financial struggles and a divorce, she finds herself caught up in a never-ending vortex of depression. With the help of friends, she is given a chance to pull herself together and meets Sam, who understands what Hope is going through. Throughout this book Lisa M. Gott gives us the insight into an illness which is becoming more and more common in a world where the pressures to succeed in everything we put our hands to is high. The back of the book says is all, ” happiness is actually a very simple concept: it is a choice. A choice we must remember to make each and every day.”


About the Author


Lisa M. Gott is a contemporary literary fiction author. Her stories tell of the human spirit – sometimes sad, sometimes not – most can relate to them on some level or another. When she’s not feverishly weaving words, you can find her enjoying nature, spending time with her incredible husband, and sometimes sipping a latte. Okay, maybe more than sometimes.


Connect with the Author


Twitter:  @LisaMGott
